
Showing posts from November, 2017

ball bouncing animation

The Project In this project we had to make 3 different animations that included bouncing a ball. The first animation was the most simple. All we had to do was have a ball bouncing up and down and then turn it into a gif. In the second animation we had a ball bouncing again, but this time it bounced from the left side to the right side of the screen. This one was a little bit more confusing, but after a couple of minutes, it was easy to catch on to what you were doing. In the final animation, we were given the opportunity to be more creative and kind of come up with our own animation. We didn't not really have many requirements either, it just had to have something to do with what we were learning the past few days. After all of the animations were done, I felt pretty satisfied with how they turned out. What I Learned Throughout this project I learned many new things. We first had to start of with how to do a l...

10 words animation

The Project We were assigned a project where we had to make a animation of 10 words that describe us. We had already picked out these 10 words last quarter, so the whole objective of this project was to basically get introduced to adobe photoshop. We had some requirements, like they all had to come from off the screen to on the screen, and we also had to have all 10 words on the screen in about 4 seconds. But we were also given a lot of chance to add in our own creativity. We could change the colors of the words, we could have different fonts and sizes, and we could also choose how we wanted our words to come on the screen, like if we wanted them to bounce of a wall or twirl around. It was really a lot of our own choices that made up how the project turned out. What I Learned  The main thing I learned while doing this project was a lot about photoshop. I learned how to create a video timeline and all of the different ways you can bring something on to the screen. I also lea...