sketch up house

The Project

We were assigned with the project of creating a house on the program sketch up. Of course this was going to be a challenge considering that we had never used that program, but we got the hang of it. When making the house we were not just making it up in our minds, we were going off of a house that we chose on the website called The requirements were that the house had to be a certain size, and that it could only be one level. But other than that, the project was really open to creativity. After finishing the house, we were also given the task to create a "movie" type production of our house. There was no specific time limit for this, and it could include as many slides as it took to really show off the best spots of our houses. Overall, I appreciated that this project allowed us to be open-minded and gave us the opportunity to see how some people actually design houses.

What I Learned

Throughout this project I have learned many aspects of animations. First off, we had to become adapted to a whole new program, which takes a lot of time to fully understand how it works. Specifically we had to figure out how to use different tools, like the push pull tool, and the line tool, along with many others. To ease us into the new program, we started off simple by just making a couple of chairs, using a lot of the main tools. But as we started with the project, we also had to use different tools like the move tool, and the rotate tool. I also learned many things about how to make the measurements accurate, and even how to create different textures with the options that you have. After fully completing our house, we also had to learn the different factors about how to make our house into a short video, which was not too hard to comprehend. Overall after the outcome of this project, I now understand the many different parts that it takes to make a quality animation.

How It Went

Overall this project went pretty well. The program sketch up can be very complicated to use, and throughout the whole project I made many mistakes that I had to fix or possibly ask questions about. Thankfully asking questions and fixing my mistakes is what impacted my comprehension of the program the most. I have definitely gotten adapted to the program, and I am sure that throughout the future I will become a lot more comfortable with the program as a whole. Other than that, I feel very satisfied with this project, and I am very content with the outcome of my house, and my first experience using sketch up.


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